The team at the University of Texas discovered that the antibacterial effect of the fruit kernel oil was able to render most of the germs in this bacterial group inactive.
The research team worked with 90 various biotypes that were tested for sensitivity to the fruit kernel oil, and to Sulfamylon, Bactroban, Silvadene, Nystatin, and Nitrofurazone. For these studies indentations were created on agar plates and an organism and the antidote placed in each indentation. After one night’s incubation, the plates were examined. The fruit kernel oil was the clear test winner. Its antibacterial properties were comparable with other agents, but its effectiveness was markedly superior.
A quantity test of the fruit kernel oil was also carried out. It is effective against 800 virus and bacteria strains, 100 fungus strains, and a large number of single and multiple parasites.
The active ingredients in the oil act in a highly concentrated manner against fungi of the species candida. The research team carried out various tests that used a 30% extract; the study was limited to five different fungi of the species candida.
The University in Mexico City carried out an inhibition study on dangerous bacteria and germs during a surgical procedure. The growth of bacteria and germs was completely inhibited for 48 hours. Dr Alonso was the lead researcher.
Dr Hooper, Dr Wilson and Dr Lewis from Cardiff University carried out a study on oral hygiene and dental health with our fruit kernel oil. They concluded that the fruit kernel oil used as mouth wash (mixture 1:50) prevents plaque and is highly effective in preventing tooth decay.
The Microbiology Laboratory Dr Michael Lohmeyer carried out a long-term study. In the inhibition test, which used a scale with a maximum of eight points, the fruit kernel oil reached a record value of 7.7 scale points after an incubation period of three weeks. No other known consumer product has ever been able to reach this level.
The Bremen Environmental Institute evaluated pesticide contamination in the fruit kernel oil. The product may be used as a food additive as the measurement and analysis showed no pesticide contamination.